Reaction Paper Three

Reaction Paper 3

Over the last few months, I’ve had the chance to shoot actual concerts, featuring bands with large followings and It’s been a mix of positive and negative experiences. One thing I can take away from it all right away, is that every show has been a different experience, and I’ve come to expect that now for the future. For my first ever show with a photo pass, I couldn't get in contact with the band’s manager to make sure everything was all good, and when I finally he did he told me there was a mistake and no more passes were available. When I got inside however, my pass was waiting for me and everything ran smoothly from there. My next experience wasn’t as positive, as I wasn’t informed ahead of time that I needed to also buy a ticket to show to be able to shoot it. The show had sold out weeks in advance, and I couldn’t make it. I’ve taken this as a learning experience, knowing to reach out and make sure if I’d need to buy a ticket or if my pass is enough. The most recent show was the easiest, as the band management got back to me right away, and told me they’d provide both a pass and a ticket, which was a big positive for me.

Besides the experiences with credentials, the actual photo work has been both fun and a challenge, It’s very different to have to react to changing lights and brightness when I was used to a usually static setting, along with a flash. The worst was when one band brought out a number of LED stands that both blinded me and made it difficult to get clear shots. I try to take the frustration in dealing with unfamiliar settings, and use it as a place to grow from, so next time I could adjust quicker and take the best pictures possible.


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